Au sommaire cette semaine : ISDA, ICMA, EFAMA, EBF

Publications des associations internationales


ISDA | International Swaps and Derivatives Association

US Basel III Endgame: Trading and Capital Markets Impact

16 mai 2024

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A Cornerstone of CDS Clearing

16 mai 2024

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ISDA Publishes DC Review and Launches Market Consultation
13 mai 2024
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ICMA | International Capital Market Association

ICMA ERCC publishes a Briefing Note on EU NSFR and short-term reverse repos

7 mai 2024

Voir le texte (en anglais) >>

Publications des associations européennes


EFAMA | European Fund and asset management association

Leading European associations’ shared view on improving competitiveness of European capital markets

7 mai 2024

Voir le texte (en anglais) >>

EBF | European banking Federation

European Social Partners for the Banking Sector Sign New Joint Declaration on Employment Aspects of Artificial Intelligence

14 mai 2024

Voir le texte (en anglais) >>

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