Au sommaire cette semaine : ISDA, AIMA


Publications des autorités internationales


ISDA | International Swaps and Derivatives Association


ESRB includes CCP risk indicators in risk dashboard

4 avril 2018

The European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) has included indicators related to central counterparties (CCPs) in its risk dashboard for the first time. These indicators are based on Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures and International Organization of Securities Commissions quantitative public disclosure data provided by CCPs. The ESRB has also published an ‘occasional paper’ that explains the published risk indicators and provides additional indicators.


AIMA | Alternative Investment Management Association


Swaps data: a Mifid-shaped hole

3 avril 2018

Voir le document (en anglais) >>



Publications des autorités européennes


EBF | Fédération bancaire européenne


EBF position on the ESAs review

29 mars 2018

Voir le document (en anglais) >>


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